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Home » Start a magazine at your school

Start a magazine at your school

Over the last ten years, the students and alumni at The Yale Record have figured out a really slick way to publish a student magazine. It uses widely available technology, an innovative editorial structure, and the natural advantages of the campus environment to create a publication that is easily launched, requires a small staff, is easy to fund via low-cost advertising, and is scalable. We currently run monthly during the school year, with annual profit margins of 10-20%.

Though we have developed this model for a humor magazine, we think it will probably work for all types of content. We have great fun doing The Record and would be delighted if more colleges and high schools used this model to create magazines of their own.

Any students or administrators interested in hearing more about our model—and discussing how to tailor it to your campus and proposed content—please write We look forward to hearing from you!