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Stories written by mikegerber

2747 Toothpicks in My Beard

I love that he shakes them out like a dog.…

Brvusnia: Help Has Left!

Oxfam doesn't give countries raving hats, and there's a reason for that.…

Five Second Films: Dubstep

A collection of Five Second Films about dubstep. The last one cracked me up.…

Five Second Films: Halloween Costume

"What would you like to be for Halloween?" Answer carefully, young man.…

Five Second Films: Bloody Mary

Ever stood in front of a mirror and chanted, "Bloody Mary"? This is what SHOULD happen.…

Breaking: Dead, But Still Richer Than You

There's something very depressing about this whole notion, don't you think?…

Breaking: Jersey Shore Fantasy Camp

"I just slept in The Situation's bed!…Oh, shit…"…

Joan Didion on Woody Allen

"Woody Allen often tells interviewers that his original title for Annie Hall was “Anhedonia,” which is a psychoanalytic term meaning the inability to experience pleasure. Wanting to call a picture…