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Home » Entries posted by mikegerber (Page 11)
Stories written by mikegerber

Private Eye: Ten Best Covers

The Guardian selects its ten favorite covers from Private Eye. Ho ho very satirical…

Breaking: Spot the Psychopath!

Researchers have recently discovered that psychopaths frequently say "uh" and "um" to mask their insanity. What other mundane behaviors can identify a psychopath?…

Brvusnia: Help Is On The Way!

The only charity in the world sponsored totally by my Daaad...…

Hunter S. Thompson: Fear and Loathing on the Road to Hollywood

"The police just go with him [Hunter], because they're so scared of him...He's a little older, and perhaps--his weirdness has probably toned down a little...We might just be safe on…

Five Second Films: Moustachios

Love Five Second Films? Here's a collection of ones about facial hair.…

Mel Brooks: The Critic

Oh I know what it is! It's garbage, that's what it is!...Two dollars I paid for a French movie, for a foreign movie, and now I gotta see this junk...…

We Are the One Percent

'Nuff said.…

Belushi and Ackroyd on the Today Show (1981)

ACKROYD: "It disturbs him [Belushi] to be idle."...SHALIT: "What do you want to be doing in 10 years, Belushi?" BELUSHI: "Fiddler on the Roof." …