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Stories written by mikegerber

Breaking: The Law According to Beatles

A contract for a 1965 Beatles concert is being auctioned; among its stipulations was "no segregated audiences." What were some other demands The Beatles made?…

Breaking: Silvio Berlusconi is All Class

In a taped phone conversation, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi called German Chancellor Angela Merkel "an unfuckable fatass." What are some of Berlusconi's other opinions? …

Daydreaming in Math Class

Why I was never an engineer…

Breaking: Obama’s Disapproval Rating

CNN reports that President Obama's disapproval rating is his highest ever. What can he do to reverse this trend?…

Wishing It Was Friday

    (from Everyday Posters)    …

Pretending to be Elvis

Then, later, you'll take a lot of drugs…

Rory Sutherland: Life Lessons From An Ad Man

One of many good lines: "As an adman, I consider saving as consumerism needlessly postponed."…

Breaking: Yoko Ono Is Following You!

Twitter piece. 1) Join a social network, and follow as many people as you can. 2) ??? 3) Profit.…