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Stories written by mikegerber

Changing Diapers

Don't forget the powder…

Charlie Brooker: How TV Ruined Your Life (2011)

You're OK, because you're watching it on your computer.…

Breaking: Digging a Hole in Ohio

An Ohio man was burying his cat Sunday when he dug up something that caused the whole neighborhood to be evacuated. What did he find?…

Mindless Arguments


Sharpen your knife with a cup

Got a dull knife and no knife sharpener? Use a coffee cup instead.…

Breaking: The Mystery of Female Orgasm

A new study confirms that female orgasm has a distinct evolutionary purpose—but scientists don't know what it is yet. What's your theory? …

Lighting Fireworks

Thumb and fingers, blackened and throbbing…

Sean Bieri: Intellectual zombies

Even the undead suffer from social anxiety.…