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Stories written by mikegerber

Woody Allen: Second Marriage

"Knowing my ex-wife, it wasn't a moving violation."…

Woody Allen: “The Moose”

Woody Allen's seminal bit of standup, "The Moose."…

Arshad: Hi, I’m Billy!

Why I'm frequently rooting for the aliens…

S.J. Perelman—Essential Links

Button-cute, rapier-keen, wafer-thin and pauper-poor is S.J. Perelman, whose tall, stooping figure is better known to the twilit half-world of five continents than to Publishers' Row…

Arshad: Frog and Princess

Don't believe everything you read in the fairy tales…

Mind Your Manners Chart

Politeness is more difficult than you can possibly imagine.…

Arshad: Dogwalking

He's up all night, scratching at the door…

Breaking: College Admissions Gets Personal

Elmhurst College in Illinois is the first US university to ask applicants their sexual orientation. What other things should schools ask? …