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Stories written by mikegerber

Mike Tyson IS Herman Cain

Less newsworthy than it would've been before the sex scandal but, as a friend of mine said, "Who knew Tyson could do funny?…

Gregoire Guillemin: Deco Superhero Posters

Superb faux deco by designer Gregoire Guillemin.…

Simply Sassy: It’s Not Just a Chair, It’s Sexual Harrassment

Why just sit when you can also be felt up?…

World’s Most Awesome Grocery List

It's fun to live with an artist.…

Bill Hicks: Last Performance

Sorely missed, Bill Hicks.…

Mitch Hedberg Handles a Heckler

What's the coolest way to handle a heckler? Probably this one.…

Daily Satire: I AM Writing On A Piece of Paper

2011 has been the year of felt-tips.…

Hair of the Presidents

By Christina Christoforou (h/t This Isn’t Happiness).…